Rehabilitation Plan Comments

Click here to view information regarding comments received about the proposed Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation.

Court Documents and Information

The documents posted below are provided for the information of parties interested in the Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company (“Penn Treaty”) and American Network Insurance Company ("American Network") Rehabilitation and Liquidation proceedings. This website provides all documents filed in the companies’ Rehabilitation and Liquidation actions including the following:




An official docket of all pleadings and papers filed in the Penn Treaty and American Network Rehabilitation actions may be obtained from the Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System’s website



2021-2022 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Appeal Proceedings
(Docket Nos. 58 MAP 2021 and 59 MAP 2021, 7 MAP 2022, and 8 MAP 2022)


Effective Date   Document
10/19/2022   Opinion Affirming Commonwealth Court Order
5/17/2022   Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Application (Health Insurers)
5/6/2022   NOLHGA’s No Answer Letter regarding Pro Hac Vice Applications
4/29/2022   Pro Hac Vice Application (Health Insurers)
4/26/2022   Liquidator-Appellant Opening Brief
4/26/2022   NAIC Amicus Brief
4/26/2022   ACLI Amicus Brief
4/21/2022   Order Denying Application for Clarification
3/30/2022   Joint Motion for Reconsideration and Clarification of the Court’s March 17, 2022 Order – Pa Supreme Court Consolidated Dockets
3/23/2022   Order Granting Application for Extension of Time to File Appellant’s Brief – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 58 & 59 MAP 2021
3/23/2022   Application for Extension of Time to File Appellant’s Brief – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 58 & 59 MAP 2021
3/17/2022   Order Deferring Jurisdiction – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 7 & 8 MAP 2022
3/3/2022   Order Granting Glawe and Wilson Pro Hac Vice Applications (NOLHGA) – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 7 & 8 MAP 2022
2/2/2022   Pro Hac Vice Applications (NOLHGA) for Glawe and Wilson – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 7 & 8 MAP 2022
1/31/2022   NOLHGA No Answer Letter to Notice of Appeal and Jurisdictional Statement – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 7 & 8 MAP 2022
1/21/2022   Docketing of the Notice of Appeal and Jurisdictional Statement – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 7 & 8 MAP 2022
1/13/2022   Order Dissolving Stay Pending En Banc Consideration – Pa Supreme Court Nos. 58 & 59 MAP 2021
1/5/2022   Appellant’s Notice of Disposition and Application to Dissolve Stay – Pa Supreme Court Docket Nos. 58 & 59 MAP 2021
10/8/2021   Order Noting Probable Jurisdiction and Granting (in part) Joint Application for Stay – Pa Supreme Court Docket Nos. 58 & 59 MAP 2021
8/23/2021   Joint Application for Stay – Pa Supreme Court Docket Nos 58 & 59 MAP 2021
8/9/2021   Docketing of the Notice of Appeal and Jurisdictional Statement – Pa Supreme Court Docket Nos. 58 & 59 MAP 2021



2021-2024 Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Proceedings
(Docket No. 1 PEN 2009 and Docket No. 1 ANI 2009)


 Effective Date   Document
8/21/24   Order Granting Liquidator’s Application for Approval for Penn Treaty
8/21/24   Order Granting Liquidator’s Application for Approval for Penn ANIC
8/9/24   Liquidator’s Application for Approval for Penn Treaty
8/9/24   Liquidator’s Application for Approval for ANIC
5/28/24   Order Approving Application for Approval of Report and Recommendations – Penn Treaty
5/28/24   Order Approving Application for Approval of Report and Recommendations – American Network
4/22/2024   NOLHGA Answer on Liquidator’s Application for Approval of Report and Recommendation on Claims 3/1/17 to 3/1/24 – American Network
4/22/2024   NOLHGA Answer on Liquidator’s Application for Approval of Report and Recommendation on Claims 3/1/17 to 3/1/24 – Penn Treaty
4/17/2024   Liquidator’s Application for Approval of Report and Recommendation on Claims 3/1/17 to 3/1/24 – American Network
4/17/2024   Liquidator’s Application for Approval of Report and Recommendation on Claims 3/1/17 to 3/1/24 – Penn Treaty
12/28/2023   Order Approving NOLHGA Settlement – American Network
12/28/2023   Order Approving NOLHGA Settlement – Penn Treaty
10/27/2023   Application for Approval of Omnibus POC Settlement Agreement for Penn Treaty
10/27/2023   Application for Approval of Omnibus POC Settlement Agreement for American Network
4/19/2023   Order Approving Application for Early Access Distributions to NOLHGA (Penn Treaty)
4/19/2023   Order Approving Application for Early Access Distributions to NOLHGA (ANIC)
3/20/2023   Liquidator's Application for Approval of Section 536 Asset Transfer (ANIC) - Praecipe to Substitute
3/16/2023   Liquidator’s Application for Approval of Section 536 Asset Transfer (Penn Treaty)
2/14/2022   Certificate of Service re Record Sent
2/14/2022   Notice Directing Filing of Record
2/2/2022   Withdrawal of MBradshaw for NOLHGA
1/21/2022   Notice of Appeal To Pennsylvania Supreme Court
12/22/2021   En Banc Opinion
12/14/2021   Praecipe to Withdraw Pro Hac Vice Sponsorship for D. Herzog and C. Richardson
12/2/2021   Withdrawal of Appearance – A. Daubert for Pennsylvania Insurance Department
12/2/2021   Entry of Appearance – K. Speaks for Pennsylvania Insurance Department
11/9/2021   Order Canceling Argument Scheduled for November 17, 2021
11/5/2021   Liquidator’s Reply Brief in Further of Support of Her Exceptions
11/1/2021   Health Insurers’ Certificate of Compliance with Rule 2135
10/29/2021   Brief of Health Insurers in Response to Exceptions
10/28/2021   Order Granting Application to Substitute Sponsor for NOLHGA Pro Hac Vice Admissions
10/28/2021   Brief of Intervenor NOLHGA in Response to Liquidator’s Exception
10/22/2021   Application to Substitute Sponsor for NOLHGA Pro Hac Vice Admissions
10/20/2021   Court Letter Setting Argument
10/15/2021   Application to Substitute NOLHGA Pro Hac Sponsor
10/15/2021   Entry of Appearance of Brian C. Pickard for NOLHGA
10/15/2021   Entry of Appearance of D. Alicia Hickok for NOLHGA
10/8/2021   Liquidator’s Brief in Support of Exceptions
9/30/2021   Order Granting Application for Intervention
9/27/2021   Reply re: Application to Reinstate Intervention - ANIC
9/27/2021   Reply re: Application to Reinstate Intervention - PTNA
9/22/2021   Answer to NOLHGA Application to Reinstate Intervention - ANIC
9/22/2021   Answer to NOLHGA Application to Reinstate Intervention - PTNA
9/8/2021   Docketed Letter re Argument Date
9/8/2021   NOLHGA Applications to Reinstate Intervention - PTNA
9/8/2021   NOLHGA Applications to Reinstate Intervention - ANIC
9/8/2021   Scheduling Order for Exceptions
9/2/2021   Health Insurer Response to Exceptions
8/23/2021   Statutory Liquidator’s Exceptions to July 9, 2021 Order
8/9/2021   Notice of Appeal and Jurisdictional Statement
7/20/2021   Court Scheduling Order
7/9/2021   Court Order and Opinion-Application for Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-Guaranty Association Benefits
3/15/2021   Order Granting Pro Hac Vice Application for Relief
3/15/2021   Pro Hac Vice Application for Relief
2/23/2021   Order Setting Oral Argument
2/2/2021   Orders Direction Prothonotary to Calendar Argument


2009-2020 Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Proceedings
(Docket No. 1 PEN 2009, formerly Docket No. 5 MD 2009) and (Docket No. 1 ANI 2009, formerly Docket No. 4 MD 2009)

2019 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
9/13/2019   Order – Application for Approval of Sale of Infrastructure Assets
8/21/2019   Supplemental Memorandum of Law In Further Support of the Statutory Liquidator's Application for Approval of Sale of infrastructure Assets
7/31/2019   Application for Approval of the Sale of the Infrastructure Assets of Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company (In Liquidation) to TriPlus Services Inc.
6/19/2019   Order Granting Application for Leave to File a Sur-Reply
6/17/2019   Application for Leave to File a Sur-Reply and Response to the Liquidator's Reply Memorandum and Brief of Amicus Curiae American Council of Life Insurers in Support of the Liquidator's Application for Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-GA Policy Benefits

Order Granting American Council of Life Insurers’ Application for Leave to File Amicus Curiae in Support of Liquidator’s Application for Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-GA Policy Benefits

5/22/2019   American Council of Life Insurers' Application for Leave to File Amicus Curiae in Support of Liquidator's Application for Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-GA Policy Benefits
5/22/2019   Liquidator's Reply Memorandum in Further Support of the Application for a Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-GA Policy Benefits
4/22/2019   Response to Liquidator's Application for Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-GA Policy Benefits
3/25/2019   Order Granting the Application for Limited Intervention of the Health Insurers
3/21/2019   Liquidator's Application for Declaration Regarding Policyholder Claims for Non-GA Policy Benefits
2/27/2019   Order Granting Application Under Section 536 of Article V to Extend the Court's Order by  One Year
2/01/2019   Application Under Section 536 of Article V to Extend the Court's Order by One Year - ANIC

2017 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
7/24/2017     Memorandum Opinion - Application of the Policyholders' Committee and Application for Limited Intervention by PLHIGA
6/28/2017     Application for Limited Intervention By PLHIGA for the limited Purpose of Opposing the Policyholders' Committee Application for Permission to Sue PLHIGA at the expense of the Estate
6/15/2017     Application of the Liquidator In Opposition to the Application of the Policyholders' Committee to Sue PLHIGA at the Expense of the Estates
6/2/2017     Application of the Policyholders' Committee for Permission to Sue the Pennsylvania Life and Health Guaranty Association (PLHIGA) at the Expense of the Estate of Penn Treaty and American Network Insurance Companies
5/10/2017    Supplemental Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Application of the Health Insurers for Limited Intervention and Determination of Authority to Use Estate Assets to Pay "Uncovered Benefits" in Liquidation
4/25/2017     Compliance Report Regarding Notice of Liquidation Order and Procedures for Filing Claims
4/24/2017     Surreply In Further Opposition to the Application for intervention Filed by Certain Health Insurers
4/13/2017     Reply Memorandum In Further Support of Application of the Health Insurers for Limited Intervention and Determination of Authority to Use Estate Assets to Pay "Uncovered Benefits" in Liquidation
3/30/2017     Answer to the Application of the Health Insurers for Limited Intervention and Brief in Opposition
3/30/2017     Praecipe for Entry of Appearance - Michael J. Broadbent, Esq.
 3/7/2017    Order - Application Under Section 536 of Article V and to Address Claim Procedure for Policyholders
3/3/2017     Application Under Section 536 of Article V and to Address Claim Procedure for Policyholders
3/1/2017     Order - Stay of Litigation
3/1/2017     Order of Liquidation - American Network Insurance Company
3/1/2017     Order of Liquidation - Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company
2/28/2017    Application of the Health Insurers For Limited Intervention In Order to Seek Determination of Authority To Use Estate Assets to Pay "Uncovered Liabilities" in Liquidation and Brief in Support
2/6/2017     Order- Application to Approve Statement Regarding, and Authorize Restructuring of Insurance Liabilities in Liquidation
1/20/2017    Response of the Health Insurers to the Commissioner's Application to Approve Statement Regarding, and Authorize, Restructuring of Insurance Liabilities in Liquidation
1/6/2017     Praecipe for Withdrawal of Appearance - Carl H. Poedtke III, Esq. 
1/6/2017     Praecipe for Withdrawal of Appearance - Stephen W. Schwab, Esq. 
1/6/2017     Praecipe for Withdrawal of Appearance - Justin E. Kerner, Esq. 
1/6/2017     Praecipe for Withdrawal of Appearance - Jayne Y. Risk, Esq. 
1/6/2017     Praecipe for Withdrawal of Appearance - Nathan Heller, Esq. 
1/5/2017     Praecipe for Withdrawal of Appearance - Jae Yeon Kim, Esq. 
1/4/2017    Response of the Policyholders' Committee to the Commissioner's Application to Approve Restructuring of Insurance Liabilities in Liquidation

2016 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
 12/22/2016    Application to Approve Statement Regarding, And Approve, Restructuring of Insurance Liabilities in Liquidation
11/29/2016     Order Granting Application for Relief to Correct Transcript Taken November 9, 2016
 11/17/2016    Application for Relief to Correct Transcript Taken November 9, 2016
 11/10/2016    Order Granting Application for Relief to Correct Transcript
11/8/2016     Application for Relief to Correct Transcript
11/7/2016     Entry of Appearance - Jae Y. Kim, Esq.
 10/21/2016   Agents' Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - Settlement Agreement 
 10/20/2016    Health Insurers' Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania - Settlement Agreement 
10/11/2016     Application for Relief to Publish Opinion Related to Settlement Agreement 
 10/03/2016    Hearing Scheduled
09/29/2016     Order Granting Application for Relief to File a Reply to the Health Insurers' Response to the Petitions for Liquidation
09/29/2016     Reply of the Rehabilitator to the Health Insurers' Response to the Petitions for Liquidation
 09/23/2016    Order - Second Request for Extension to Respond to Liquidation Petitions
09/23/2016     Memorandum Opinion and Order
09/23/2016     Memorandum Opinion and Order Approving Settlement Agreement
09/20/2016     Second Request for Extension to Respond to Liquidation Petitions
 09/20/2016    Reply of the Rehabilitator to the Health Insurers' Response to the Petitions for Liquidation
 09/09/2016    Response of the Policyholders Committee to the Health Insurers' Request for Relief 
 09/08/2016    Order Granting the PTAC and Broadbill Application for Extension of Time to File 
09/06/2016     PTAC and Broadbill Application for Extension of Time to File
 08/30/2016    Order Granting PTAC Intervenors' Application for Relief to File a Sur-Reply
08/30/2016     Order Granting Rehabilitator's Application for Relief to File a Sur-Reply
 08/29/2016    PTAC Intervenors' Application for Relief to File a Sur-Reply
08/29/2016     Joint Opposition by Broadbill and PTAC to the Health Insurers' Reply Memorandum of Law
08/26/2016     Rehabilitator's Verified Sur-Reply in Further Support of the Joint Application for Settlement Approval 
08/26/2016     Rehabilitator's Application for Relief for leave to File a Sur-Reply in Further Support of the Joint Application for Settlement Approval 
 08/26/2016    Health Insurers' Response to Petitions for Liquidation
08/24/2016     Order - Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
 08/22/2016    Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
08/08/2016     Reply Memorandum of the Health Insurers In Further Support of Objection to the Application for Settlement Approval 
 08/08/2016    Order Granting Application of the Health Insurers - Reply Memorandum 
08/04/2016     Application of the Health Insurers for Leave to File a Reply Memorandum in Further Support of Object to the Application for Settlement Agreement
08/03/2016     Order Granting Application to Treat the PTNA Liquidation Petition as Filed Nunc Pro Tunc Effective July 27, 2016
 08/02/2016    Praecipe to Substitute Petition for Liquidation - PTNA
 08/02/2016    Praecipe to Substitute Petition for Liquidation - ANIC
 08/02/2016    Proposed Order - Application to Treat the PTNA Liquidation Petition as Filed Nunc Pro Tunc Effective July 27, 2016
 07/27/2016    Verified Petition to Convert Rehabilitation to Liquidation - PTNA
 07/27/2016    Verified Petition to Convert Rehabilitation to Liquidation - ANIC 
 07/27/2016    Notice of Withdrawal of Petitions for Approval of Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation and Form of Notice
07/26/2016     Joint Memorandum of Law Submitted by Broadbill and PTAC in Further Support of the verified Joint Application of the Commissioner, PTAC, Eugene Woznicki, and Broadbill Partners LP for Approval of Settlement Agreement
 07/25/2016   Omnibus Response of Commissioner Teresa D. Miller, in Her Capacity as Statutory Rehabilitator, to Objections to Application for Settlement Approval 
07/22/2016     Health Insurers' Revised Objection to Application for Approval of Settlement Agreement
07/20/2016     Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance - Goldstein
07/15/2016    Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance - Schmidt 
07/13/2016    Opposition of Intervenor Agents to the Verified Joint Application of the Commissioner, Penn Treaty Corporation, Eugene Woznicki, and Broadbill Partners LP, for Approval of Settlement Agreement
 06/21/2016    Order - July 1, 2016 Hearing is Cancelled 
06/20/2016    Order - Intervenors' First Quarter 2016 Supplemental Application for Relief to Recover Professional Fess, Costs and Other Expenses
   Joint Application for Approval of Settlement Agreement
 06/02/2016    Intervenors Woznicki & PTAC's Reply Brief in Further Support of the First Qtr 2016 Application for Relief to Recover Fees
05/26/2016     Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance - Carl M. Buchholz
05/19/2016     Order - Hearing Rescheduled to July 1, 2016
 05/16/2016    Rehabilitator's Answer to Application for Relief
 05/03/2016    Intervenors Woznicki & PTAC's Supplemental Application for Relief to Recover Professional Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
04/22/2016     Order - Policyholders Committees' Consulting Actuary
04/21/2016     Amended Application of the Policyholders Committee to Approve Additional Hours for Its Consulting Actuary
 04/14/2016    Order - Hearing Rescheduled to May 18, 2016
04/04/2016     Order - Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Jane Dall Wislon, Esq.
 03/23/2016    Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance - DiNicola
03/11/2016     Order - Hearing Rescheduled to April 18, 2016
 03/01/2016    Order - Supplemental Fee Application 
02/24/2016     Order - Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
02/17/2016     Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
 01/29/2016    Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Keneally
01/28/2016     Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Kathryn Keneally, Esq. 
 01/28/2016    Order - Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice
 01/28/2016    Rehabilitator's Omnibus Response to the Intervenors' Application to Recover Fees
01/26/2016    Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Donald-Bruce Abrams, Esq.
01/26/2016    Intervenors' Woznicki & PTAC's Supplemental Application for Relief to Recover Professional Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
 01/22/2016    Order - Hearing Rescheduled to March 16, 2016
 01/15/2016    Order - Transcript of Proceedings Taken July 13 and 14, 2015
 01/15/2016    Order - Transcript of Proceedings Taken November 10, 2015
 01/15/2016    Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Jane D. Wilson, Esq. 
 01/13/2016    Order Granting Motion for Admission - Elias
 01/13/2016   Policyholders Committees' Second Application for Approval - Consulting Actuary
 01/11/2016    Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Brad M. Elias, Esq.
01/08/2016     Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance 
01/08/2016     Order Granting Motion for Admission - D'Agostino
 01/06/2016    Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - D'Agostino

2015 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
 12/23/2015    Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance - Ellingboe
12/8/2015     Order Granting Application of McNees Wallace & Nurick to Withdraw as Counsel
12/8/2015     Objections of the Rehabilitator to the Transcript of Proceedings Taken July 13 and 14, 2015
12/7/2015     Objections of the Rehabilitator to the Transcript of Proceedings Taken November 10, 2015
 12/7/2015    Application to Bar Intervening Parties From Calling Commissioner Miller, Former Commissioner Consedine, and Deputy Commissioner DiMemmo to Testify During Phase II of the Plan Approval Hearing
 12/3/2015    Order Granting Application for Relief - Supplemental Fee Application
 11/18/2015    Praecipe to Withdraw the Application of the Policyholders Committee for Leave to Retain an Expert Witness
11/12/2015     Order - Discovery 
11/11/2015     Health Insurers' Opposition to the Application of the Policyholders Committee for Leave to Retain an Expert Witness
 10/29/2015    Rehabilitator's Response to the PTAC Intervenors' Application to Recover Legal Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
10/29/2015     Entry of Appearance - Justin Kerner, Esq.
 10/29/2015    Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance - Peter Speaker, Esq. 
10/27/2015     Pricewaterhouse Coopers Response in Opposition to the Health Insurers' Application for an Order to Compel Production of Documents and Extend Time for Challenging Production
 10/27/2015    Order Granting Pricewaterhouse Coopers Application for Limited Intervention
10/27/2015    Response of NOLHGA to the Applications to Compel filed by the PTAC/Woznicki Intervenors and the Health Insurers 
 10/26/2015    Application for Limited Intervention by Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Answer to Health Insurer's Application to Compel
 10/26/2015   Rehabilitator's Omnibus Opposition to the Application to Compel Filed by the Health Insurers, the PTAC Intervenors and Broadbill
 10/26/2015   Order - Rescheduling Oral Argument on Discovery Motions 
10/26/2015    Intervenors' Brief in Opposition to the Policyholders Committee's Application to Compel
 10/26/2015    Application of the Policyholders Committee for Leave to Retain Expert Witness
 10/26/2015   Response of the Policyholders Committee to the Application of Broadbill to Compel Discovery from the Rehabilitator 
 10/26/2015   Response of the Policyholders Committee to the Application of PTAC and Woznicki to Compel Discovery from the Rehabilitator 
 10/22/2015   Order - Oral Argument on Discovery Motions
 10/21/2015   Broadbill Partner's Amended Application to Compel Discovery 
10/21/2015   Intervenors' Third Quarter 2015 Supplemental Application to Recover Professional Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
 10/20/2015   Order - Policyholders Committee's Application fro Leave to Obtain Liability Insurance 
 10/16/2015   Health Insurers' Application for an Order to Compel Answers to Interrogatories and the Production of Documents by the Rehabilitator 
 10/16/2015   Health Insurers' Application for an order to Compel Production of Documents and Extend Time for Challenging Production By Pricewaterhouse Coopers 
10/16/2015     Intervenors' Application for Relief to Compel Production of Documents and Answers to Interrogatories and Requests to Admit from the Rehabilitator
 10/16/2015   Intervenor Broadbill Partner's Application to Compel Discovery 
 10/15/2015   Application of the Policyholders Committee for an Order Compelling PTAC and Woznicki to Provide Answers to Interrogatories and Requests for Production
 10/9/2015    Order - Scheduling 
10/6/2015     Reply of Rehabilitator to the Health Insurers' Response Regarding Standard of Review
 09/30/2015    Order Granting Application to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice - Ellingboe
09/28/2015     Health Insurers' Application to Compel Production of Documents
09/28/2015     Application to be Admitted Pro Hac Vice - Deborah Ellingboe, Esq.
 09/09/2015    Memorandum Opinion - Supplemental Application for Relief
 09/2/2015   Order - Health Insurer's Objections to the Transcript of Proceedings 
 08/31/2015   Order - Health Insurers' Supplemental Application - Discovery 
 08/28/2015   Woznicki and PTAC's Reply Brief in Support of Second Quarter 2015 Supplemental Application for Relief 
 08/28/2015   Order Granting Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
 08/27/2015   Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay 
08/27/2015    Health Insurers' Supplemental Application for Entry of a Protective Order - Discovery Sought By Rehabilitator 
 08/25/2015   Response of the Health Insurers' to the Rehabilitator's Supplemental Brief Regarding Standard of Review 
 08/24/2015   Health Insurers' Objections to the Transcript of Proceedings 
 08/24/2015   Health Insurers' Application for Entry of a Protective Order - Discovery Sought By Rehabilitator 
 08/21/2015   Application of the Policyholders Committee for Leave to Obtain Liability Insurance 
 08/17/2015   Rehabilitator's Answer to the Application for Relief 
 08/11/2015   Order - NOLHGA -Transcript Objections
 08/11/2015   Order - Policyholders Committee - Transcript Objections 
 08/04/2015   Order - Confidentiality and Protective Order 
 07/31/2015   Entry of Appearance - Consevage 
 07/31/2015   Entry of Appearance - Rodgers 
 07/30/2015   Order - Scheduling 
 07/30/2015   NOLHGA's Objections to the Transcript 
 07/28/2015   Policyholder Committee's Objection to the Transcript 
 07/24/2015   Broadbill's Opposition to the Rehabilitator's Application to Quash Deposition Notices and for a Protective Order 
 07/20/2015   E.J. Woznicki and Penn Treaty American Corporation's Opposition to the Rehabilitator's Amended Application for Entry of a Protective Order
 07/20/2015   Broadbill Partner's Opposition to the Rehabilitator's Amended Application for Entry of a Protective Order 
 07/20/2015   Opposition of the Health Insurers to the Rehabilitator's Amended Application for Entry of a Protective Order 
 07/17/2015   Supplemental Appendix to the Rehabilitator's Briefing on Applications Filed by Interested Parties 
 07/17/2015   Rehabilitator's Supplemental Brief Regarding Uncovered Benefits 
07/17/2015    Supplemental Brief of the Policyholders Committee Opposing the Health Insurers' Application to Eliminate the Use of Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits 
 07/16/2015   Order re: Timeline for Discovery Matters
 07/13/2015   Application to Quash Notices of Deposition Served By Broadbill Partners and for a Protective Order 
 07/10/2015    Intervenors' Supplemental Application for Relief to Recover Professional Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
 07/07/2015    Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice
07/02/2015     Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice
06/30/2015     First Supplemental Disclosure Statement to the Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation
06/30/2015    Rehabilitator's Supplemental Brief - Standard of Review
06/29/2015     PLHIGA Brief of Amicus Curiae
 06/19/2015    Amendment to Rehabilitator's Amended Application for Entry of a Protective Order
06/19/2015    Stipulation and Order of Intervention
 06/16/2015    Entry of Appearance - Edward J. Zych, Esq.
 06/16/2015    Rehabilitator's Amended Application for Entry of a Protective Order
06/08/2015    Order Granting Application for Relief
 06/01/2015    Rehabilitator's Response to Application for Relief to Recover Fees
05/19/2015    Memorandum Opinion and Order
 05/15/2015   Order Staying Discovery Until June 1, 2015 
05/06/2015   Appendix to Rehabilitator's Briefing on Applications Filed by Interested Parties 
05/04/2015   Intervenors' Supplemental Application for Relief to Recover Professional Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
 05/04/2015   Order Granting a Hold on Discovery Pending Resolution of Expedited Applications 
 05/01/2015   Rehabilitator's Amended Application for Relief Seeking Entry of an Order Holding All Discovery in Abeyance Pending Resolution of the Expedited Applications
 04/30/2015    Rehabilitator's Reply to the Health Insurers' Response in Support of Intervenors' Application for Relief for an Order Rejecting the Plan
 04/30/2015    Rehabilitator's Application for Relief Seeking Entry of an Order Holding all Discovery in Abeyance Pending Resolution of the Expedited Applications
 04/30/2015   Rehabilitator's Omnibus Reply to Responses Regarding Uncovered Benefits 
04/30/2015    Health Insurers' Reply to Responses - Application for Relief to Modify the Plan to Eliminate the Payment of Agent Commissions on Company A Policies
 04/30/2015   Health Insurers' Reply to Responses - Application for Relief to Modify the Plan to Eliminate the Use of Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits
04/30/2015     Intervenors' Reply in Further Support of Their Application for Relief
04/22/2015    Rehabilitator's Response to Intervenors' Application for an Order Rejecting the Rehabilitator's Plan or Alternative Relief 
04/22/2015    Rehabilitator's Response to the Health Insurers' Application to Eliminate the Use of Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits
04/22/2015    Policyholders Committee's Response to Intervenors' Application for an Order Rejecting the Rehabilitator's Plan or Alternative Relief 
04/22/2015    Policyholders Committee's Response to the Health Insurers' Application to Eliminate the Use of Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits
 04/22/2015   NOLHGA's Response to the Health Insurers' Application to Eliminate the Use of Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits
 04/22/2015   NOLHGA's Response to the Health Insurers' Application to Eliminate the Payment of Commissions on Company A Policies
 04/22/2015   Health Insurers' Response to Intervenors' Application for an Order Rejecting the Plan or Alternative Relief 
04/22/2015     Intervenor Agent's Memorandum in Opposition - Application to Eliminate Agent Commissions on Company A Policies
 04/20/2015    Chronister - Declaration and Acknowledgement
 04/17/2015   Memorandum Opinion and Order - Denied - Application to Strike the Formal Comments of the Health Insurers
04/16/2015     Order Appointing a Technical Advisor
 04/15/2015    Health Insurers' Response to the Policyholders Committee's Application to Strike Formal Comments
04/09/2015     Order - Establishing Deadlines for Briefs
04/07/2015     Health Insurers Sur-Reply - Standards of Review
04/07/2015     Order Granting Health Insurers Leave to File a Sur-Reply
04/07/2015     Conference Call Cancelled - Application for Relief
04/02/2015     Health Insurers Application for Leave to File a Sur-Reply - Standards of Review
04/02/2015     Health Insurers Brief in Support of Application for Relief - Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits
04/02/2015     Health Insurers Application for Relief - Elimination of Estate Assets to Pay Uncovered Benefits
04/02/2015     Health Insurers Brief in Support of Application for Relief - Elimination of Agent Commissions
04/02/2015     Health Insurers Application for Relief - Elimination of Agent Commissions on Company A Policies
04/02/2015     Joinder of the Health Insurers in Stipulations of Fact
04/02/2015     Conference Call Scheduled - Rehabilitators Application for Relief
04/01/2015     Intervenors' Application for Relief
03/27/2015     Rehabilitator's Application for Relief Seeking Entry of a Protective Order
03/27/2015     Rehabilitator's Brief in Support of Application for Relief Seeking Entry of a Protective Order
 03/27/2015    Praecipe to Withdraw Various Applications Filed on April 30, 2013
03/23/2015     Order - Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Cordiano
03/23/2015     Compliance with Order - Posting of Draft Order Appointing a Technical Advisor
03/20/2015     Application to Strike Formal Comments of the Health Insurers for Lack of Standing
03/16/2015     Stipulation Filed
03/12/2015     Draft Order Appointing a Technical Advisor
03/11/2015     Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice - Cordiano
03/09/2015     Rehabilitator's Reply to the Health Insurers' Brief on Standards of Review
03/02/2015   Lavelle - Praceipe for Entry of Appearance 
02/27/2015     Order Granting Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
02/26/2015     Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
02/23/2015     Foster - Praecipe for Withdraw of Appearance
02/17/2015     Intervenors' Memorandum - Legal Standards Applicable to the Court's Review of the Proposed Plans
02/17/2015     Response of Intervenors to the Rehabilitator's Application to Establish Standards of Review
02/17/2015     Response of Policyholders Committee to the Rehabilitator's Application to Establish Standards of Review
02/13/2015     Reply of Health Insurers to the Rehabilitator's Application to Establish Standards of Review
02/13/2015     Intervenors' Response to the Petition for Approval of the Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation
02/02/2015     Rehabilitator's Application for Relief In Limine to Establish Standards of Review and Brief in Support of Application
01/05/2015    Order on Policyholder Actuarial Fees

2014 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
12/19/2014     Order - Memorandum of Law
12/03/2014     Case Management Order for Comments and Hearing on the Proposed Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation
12/01/2014     Notice to Policyholders and Other Interested Parties
12/01/2014     Letter from Policyholder's Committee
11/19/2014     NOLHGA's Response in Support of Application of the Policyholders Committee
11/14/2014     Intervenors' Notice of Withdraw of Applications
10/24/2014     Application of the Policyholders Committee to Approve Additional Hours
 10/08/2014    Application for Approval of Form of Notice and Scheduling Order
10/08/2014     PTNA and ANIC Second Amended Plan of Rehabilitation and Disclosure Statement
09/23/2014     Order - Status Conference
08/20/2014     Order Granting Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
08/19/2014     Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
08/08/2014     PTNA & ANIC Amended Plan of Rehabilitation
07/15/2014     Consent of NOLHGA to Policyholders Committee's Application for Time
07/14/2014     Application of Policyholders Committee for Additional Time
06/17/2014     Intervenors' Reply to the Rehabilitator's Response to Application for Multiple Forms of Relief
06/03/2014     Order - Rehabilitator's Unopposed Application for Relief
05/30/2014     Rehabilitator's Unopposed Application for Relief
05/27/2014     Rehabilitator's Response to Intervenors' Application for Multiple Forms of Relief
05/27/2014     Response of Policyholders Committee to the Intervenors' Application for Multiple Forms of Relief
05/01/2014     Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Stephen H. Warren Esquire
04/25/2014     Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Stephen H. Warren Esquire to Represent Broadbill Partners L.P.
 04/25/2014    Intervenors' Application for Multiple Forms of Relief and Memorandum of Law
04/04/2014     Order Granting Supplemental Application for Relief
03/24/2014     Rehabilitator's Response to Intervenors' Supplemental Application for Relief
03/04/2014     Order Extending PTNA and ANIC Stay
02/28/2014     Rehabilitator's Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
02/24/2014     Intervenors' Supplemental Application for Relief
01/30/2014     Order - Granting Application of the Policyholders Committee for Leave to Retain a Consulting Actuary
01/29/2014     Entry of Appearance - Carl H. Poedtke III, Esq.
01/07/2014     Order - Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Richardson, Herzog and Glawe 

2013 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
12/17/2013    Pre-hearing conference transcript on whether rehabilitation plans could be agreed to or whether issues for a hearing on the plans could be narrowed
11/26/2013     Application of the Policyholders Committee for Leave to Retain a Consulting Actuary
11/26/2013    Order- Status Conference
11/07/2013    Order - Status Conference
11/06/2013    Order - Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Harold S. Horwich
11/04/2013     Praecipe for Entry of Appearance - Peter J. Speaker
11/04/2013     Motion for Admission - Harold S. Horwich
9/24/2013     Pre Trial Conference -Transcript of Proceedings
9/10/2013     Order Extending PTNA and ANIC Stay
8/29/2013     Rehabilitator's Motion For Extension And Continuation of Stay
 8/02/2013     PTNA - Opt Out Benefits
 8/02/2013     ANIC - Opt Out Benefits
8/02/2013     PTNA -Allocable Assets definition
8/02/2013     ANIC - Allocable Assets definition
7/12/2013     Intervenors’ Reply to the Rehabilitator’s Memorandum of Law in Surreply to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel
7/08/2013     PTNA: Notice to Policyholders, Agents, Creditors, and Persons Interested in the Affairs of PTNA
7/08/2013     ANIC: Notice to Policyholders, Agents, Creditors, and Persons Interested in the Affairs of ANIC
6/26/2013     Rehabilitator’s Memorandum of Law in Surreply to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel
6/20/2013    Order Granting Rehabilitator's Application for Approval of Withdrawal of Application to Facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders
6/20/2013     NOLHGA - Praecipe to Withdraw Application Requesting Leave to Intervene for a Limited Purpose
6/14/2013     Rehabilitator’s Application for Approval of Withdraw of Application to Facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders

   Intervenors’ Reply to Rehabilitator’s Response to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel

6/11/2013     Order Granting Rehabilitator's Application for Relief Setting Thirty-Day Response Period to Application of NOLHGA Requesting Leave to Intervene for a Limited Purpose
6/10/2013     Rehabilitator's Application for Order Setting Thirty-Day Response Period To Application of NOLHGA Requesting Leave To Intervene for a Limited Purpose
6/05/2013     PTNA - Case Management Order for Comments and Hearing on the Proposed Plan of Rehabilitation
6/05/2013     ANIC - Case Management Order for Comments and Hearing on the Proposed Plan of Rehabilitation
6/04/2013     Rehabilitator’s Amended Response to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel

6/04/2013     Rehabilitator’s Amended Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel

6/04/2013     Order- Application for Limited Intervention – Christopher and McNamara - Granted
6/04/2013     Entry of Appearance - Nathan Heller

   Rehabilitator’s Response to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel
5/29/2013     Exhibits to Rehabilitator’s Response to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel
5/29/2013     Rehabilitator’s Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Intervenors’ Application for Relief and to Compel

5/28/2013     Application of NOLHGA Requesting Leave to Intervene for a Limited Purpose
5/23/2013     Order – Kopycienski Motion
5/23/2013     Order – Application for Approval of a Suspension of the Payments of Commissions - Dismissed as Moot
5/22/2013     Supplemental Verified Statement of Ronald P. Schiller, Esq. in Support of Application to facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders
5/07/2013     Letter to policyholders and agents regarding rehabilitation plan filing
5/03/2013     Verified Statement of Ronald P. Schiller, Esquire in Support of Application to Facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders
4/30/2013     PTNA – Application for Approval of the Plan of Rehabilitation for Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company
4/30/2013     PTNA –Exhibit A  to the Application for Approval of the Plan of Rehabilitation: Disclosure Statement and Plan of Rehabilitation for PTNA
4/30/2013     PTNA – Application for Approval of Form of Notice  of Application for Approval of Plan of Rehabilitation and for Scheduling Order
4/30/2013     ANIC - Application for Approval of the Plan of Rehabilitation for American Network Insurance Company
4/30/2013     ANIC - Exhibit A  to the Application for Approval of the Plan of Rehabilitation: Disclosure Statement and Plan of Rehabilitation for ANIC
4/30/2013     ANIC – Application for Approval of Form of Notice  of Application for Approval of Plan of Rehabilitation and for Scheduling Order
4/29/2013     Intervenors' Application for Relief and to Compel
4/29/2013     Application for Limited Intervention-Response to Rehabilitator's Application to Facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders -- Christopher and McNamara
4/11/2013     Entry of Appearance -- Stephen W. Schwab
4/08/2013     Kopycienski-Application for Limited Intervention and Relief
4/08/2013     Intervenors’ Response to Application to Facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders
4/04/2013     Memorandum Opinion and Order – Application to Recover Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
3/28/2013     Rehabilitator’s Application to Facilitate the Creation of a Committee of Policyholders
3/18/2013     Order extending PTNA and ANIC stay
3/13/2013     Order: Medicare Supplement Insurance Assumption and Indemnity Reinsurance Agreement
3/05/2013     Rehabilitator's Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
2/06/2013     Petition for Approval of Medicare Supplement Insurance Assumption and Indemnity Reinsurance Agreement
1/22/2013    Order--Amended Joint Objections to the Text of Transcripts
1/18/2013     Amendment Order
1/18/2013    Opposition to Application to Recover Fees, Costs and Other Expenses
1/18/2013    Entry of Appearance--Adam Brown
1/18/2013    Amended Joint Objections to the Text of Transcripts
1/07/2013    Joint Objections to the Text of Transcripts

2012 Documents

 Effective Date   Document
12/28/2012     Order--Memorandum Opinion is designated as an Opinion
12/28/2012     Amendment Order
12/28/2012     Stipulation
12/13/2012     Order re: Joint Stipulated Application for Relief
12/12/2012     Joint Stipulated Application for Relief
11/21/2012     Order Granting Application for Extension of Time to File
11/20/2012     Withdrawals of Appearance
11/16/2012     Intervenor's Response to Rehabilitator's Application for Relief
11/15/2012     Application for Relief
10/31/2012     Order Extending Time to File Rehabilitation Plan to 4/30/13
10/26/2012     Notice of Appeal and Jurisdictional Statement in Support of Notice of Appeal
10/01/2012     Order -- Broadbill Partners
9/28/2012     Notice of Judgment
9/21/2012     Entry of Appearance
9/20/2012     Broadbill Partners' Filing -- Reply Brief
9/19/2012     Intervenors' Filing -- Response to Application for Intervention
9/17/2012     Order Extending PTNA and ANIC Stay
9/14/2012     Intervenors’ Filings – Praecipe for Entry of Judgment
8/17/2012     Broadbill Partners’ Filings – Application to Intervene and Memorandum of Law
8/16/2012     Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
7/20/2012     Reply Brief to Intervenors’ Brief in Opposition to the Rehabilitator’s Post Trial Motion
7/11/2012    Order Extending Time to File
7/09/2012    Order re Implementation of New Docketing System (PTNA)
7/05/2012    Motion for Extension of Time
7/02/2012     Court Order on Affidavit
6/25/2012     Court Order Denying Motion for Clarification/Stay
6/11/2012     Certificate of No Objection
6/08/2012     Motion for Clarification and Declaration
6/08/2012     Entry of Appearance
5/23/2012     Scheduling Order
5/14/2012     Post Trial Motion
5/14/2012     Entry of Appearance
5/09/2012     Letter to Policyholders
5/09/2012     Questions and Answers about Rehabilitation
5/03/2012     Court Order on Amended Petitions
3/21/2012     Order Extending PTNA and ANIC Stay
3/16/2012     Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay


   Rehabilitator's Motion to Supplement the Record


   Rehabilitator’s Reply to the Intervenor’s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

2010 PTNA Documents

 Effective Date   Document


  Scheduling Order


  Hearing Continuance Order
11/16/2010    Memorandum in Opposition to Intervenors` Motion to Exclude the Expert Testimony and Report of Arthur Lucker
11/16/2010    Memorandum in Opposition to Intervenors` Motion to Preclude Evidence Regarding Marketing of Policies
11/16/2010    Memorandum in Opposition to Intervenors` Motion to Exclude the Proposed Rebuttal Testimony of Barry Rovner
11/16/2010    Memorandum in Opposition to the Motion to Preclude Expert Testimony of DaVinci Consulting
11/16/2010    Memorandum in Opposition Intervenors` Motion to Preclude Expert Report and Testimony of Thomas Johnson
11/16/2010    Memorandum in Opposition to Intervenors` Motion to Exclude Argument Concerning Liquidation Standard
11/12/2010    Motion to preclude expert Stephen Holland
11/12/2010    Motion to preclude expert William Hager
11/12/2010    Motion to preclude expert Karl Volkmar
11/12/010    Motion to preclude intervenors arguments concerning post 8-1-09 rate increase efforts
11/12/2010    Motion to bar cancelation of insurance policies as a method of rehabilitation
11/12/2010    Motion to bar evidence and argument on benefit caps
11/5/2010    Scheduling Order Update
9/24/2010    Scheduling Order Update
9/22/2010    Order extending PTNA and ANIC stay
9/15/2010    Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay
9/09/2010    Praecipe to Amend Caption
9/09/2010    Rehabilitator’s Response to Motion to Compel
8/23/2010    Order to continue hearing of 8-24-10
8/13/2010    Court Order Consolidating PTNA and ANIC
8/02/2010    Motion of the Rehabilitator to Compel Discovery
7/14/2010    Scheduling Order Update
7/06/2010    Scheduling Order
6/28/2010    Entry of Appearance - M. Meloni
6/28/2010    Entry of Appearance - T. Harty
6/28/2010    Cover letter regarding entries of appearance for T. Harty and M. Meloni
5/18/2010    PTNA Complaint Against PTAC
3/23/2010    Order extending PTNA stay
3/17/2010    Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay - PTNA
3/05/2010    Order - Action stayed on Rehabilitator’s Amended Petition for Liquidation of PTNA--Conference scheduled for May 7, 2010
1/28/2010    Recapture Agreement between PTNA and Independence Blue Cross

2009 PTNA Documents

 Effective Date



   Joint Petition of the Rehabilitator and IBC for Approval of Recapture Agreement


   Order Granting PTAC-Woznicki Petition to Intervene (PTNA)
11/12/2009     Court Order Concluding that an Evidentiary Record is Required in Order to Resolve the Issues Raised in the Application to Suspend Agent Commission
11/09/2009     Answers to PTAC-Woznicki Petitions to Intervene (PTNA)
10/29/2009     Brief of the Rehabilitator in Support of Application to Suspend Agent Commissions
10/23/2009     Amended Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/23/2009     Exhibit A to the Amended Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/23/2009     Exhibit B to the Amended Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/23/2009     Supporting Memorandum of Law to the Amended Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/09/2009     Letter to policyholders regarding petitions for liquidation
10/07/2009     Order setting oral argument relating to the Statutory Rehabilitator`s application to suspend agents commission for 11-10-09
10/02/2009     Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/02/2009     Exhibit A to Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/02/2009     Supporting Memorandum of Law to Petition for Liquidation of PTNA
10/02/2009     Press Release - Insurance Department Petitions to Place PTNA and ANIC Into Liquidation
10/02/2009     Pennsylvania Insurance Department’s Consumer Guide
10/01/2009     Order cancelling 10-15-09 hearing
9/30/2009     Order granting Motion for Extension and Continuation of Stay PTNA
9/24/2009     Order changing telephonic status conference to Thursday 10-1-09
9/23/2009     Motion for Extension of Stay - PTNA
9/11/2009     Order Regarding Petition to Intervene re Harris and Harris Ins. Services of NC
9/11/2009     Order Re Petition to Suspend Agents’ Commissions – Hearing and Legal Issues
9/11/2009     Order Regarding Petition to Intervene re Jerome Lawrence
9/11/2009     Order Re Petition to Suspend Agents’ Commissions – Telephone Status Conference
9/04/2009     Pre-hearing statement of the rehabilitator on application to suspend agent commissions
8/26/2009     Order granting PTAC`s petition to intervene
8/05/2009     Response of the Rehabilitator to Petition of NHA to Intervene
8/05/2009     Order Regarding Petition to Suspend Agent’s Commissions
8/05/2009     Order Regarding Petition to intervene filed 7-15-2009
8/05/2009     Order Regarding Petition to intervene filed 7-17-2009
8/05/2009     Order Regarding Petition to intervene filed 7-23-2009
8/03/2009     Response of Rehabilitator to Petition of American Life
8/03/2009     Response of Rehabilitator to Petition of Objectors Affinion Group
7/30/2009     Opposition of the Rehabilitator to NHA`s Motion for Extension of Time
7/24/2009     Supplemental Memorandum of Law in Support of the Rehabilitator`s Application to Suspend Commissions
7/14/2009     Entry of Appearance
7/14/2009     Affidavit of Service
7/02/2009     Order regarding memorandum of law
6/09/2009     Procedures for filing and service- Penn Treaty
6/03/2009     Agent Notice
6/03/2009     Application to Suspend Payment of Commissions
6/03/2009     Memorandum of Law in Support of Application to Suspend Payment of Commissions
6/03/2009     Draft Order Approving Suspension of Payment of Commissions
5/01/2009     Request for Initial Proposal May 2009
4/06/2009     Preliminary Report and Plan of Rehabilitation for Penn Treaty
3/13/2009     Letter to Policyholders
3/04/2009     Letter to Agents
3/04/2009     Questions and Answers
1/08/2009     Press release- Penn Treaty Insurance Subsidiaries Enter Rehabilitation
1/06/2009     PA Department of Insurance Press Release
1/06/2009     Rehabilitation Order -- PTNA